Sunday, August 7, 2011 presents: EPIC FAIL: NICKI MINAJ

Rap star Nicki Minaj was on GOOD MORNING AMERICA performing. When all of a sudden . . . PLOOP!!! presents: EPIC FAIL..or..WIN? LADY GAGA

Lady Gaga, is that you?

The ubiquitous popstar is known for her wildly diverse and, ahem, unique wardrobe, but behind all the fishnets and religious iconography and houndstooth, there is the unmistakable face of Gaga shining through. That may all change on the cover for her next single, "Yoü and I," which she tweeted on Friday.

Pictured is the model Jo Calderone, who, if you're a major Gaga fan or fashionista, you know is the drag alter-ego of the Grammy winning popstar, this cigarette-smoking tough with a whole bunch of attitude.

"You will never find what you are looking for in love, if you don't love yourself. #You&ISingleCover," she wrote on Twitter, promising to release the single's music video when she hits her 1000th tweet.

What remains to be seen: whether this is a better disguise than her panda bear costume.

Monday, July 25, 2011

MEDIATAKEOUT.COM PRESENTS: J.LO AND DIDDY ARE BACK TOGETHER has just received some EARTH SHATTERING NEWS . . . Jennifer Lopez and rapper/mogul Diddy are DATING AGAIN!!!

According to an EXTREMELY RELIABLE snitch, Diddy and Jennifer had all but BROKEN OFF communication when their relationship ended nearly a decade ago.

But, the insider claims, Jennifer REACHED OUT to Diddy late last year - when she realized her marriage to Marc Anthony was NOT WORKING.

The insider, who is CLOSE TO DIDDY, told, "[Diddy] was not expecting Jennifer to call him. They hadn't spoken in years, and all of a sudden, she's calling and texting."

But it wasn't just CALLING and TEXTING, our insider claim that on AT LEAST TWO OCCASIONS, Diddy and Jennifer actually PHYSICALLY MET UP!! And while they can not say whether or not anything POPPED OFF between them . . . you can decide what YOU THINK happened.

Anyways - J Lo and Diddy kept in contact for months and last week,we're told that the two WENT ON A DATE!!! EXCLUSIVELY learned that last WEDNESDAY NIGHT Jennifer Lopez FLEW INTO New York City and went on a date with DIDDY . . . at New York's top restaurant PHILLIPE CHOW.

According to one person who was THERE AND SAW IT, "Diddy came in quickly and immediately went to the private area . . . about 20 minutes later J Lo went in. I was in shock."

DAYUMMMMM . . . we KNEW this was going to happen . . . Cassie Kim . . . back to the BACKGROUND FOR YOU!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Shout outs to the huffington post on this one: JLO AND MARC ANTHONY ARE FILING FOR DIVORCE

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony are divorcing.

The couple, married since 2004, released a statement to People Magazine about their split.

"We have decided to end our marriage. This was a very difficult decision. We have come to an amicable conclusion on all matters. It is a painful time for all involved and we appreciate the respect of our privacy at this time."

Parents to three-year old twins, Max and Emme, the couple dated first in 1999; following their breakup, Lopez dated and married Chris Judd in 2001, with the marriage lasting only nine months. Then Lopez dated Sean Combs, aka Diddy, and then Ben Affleck. In the meantime, Anthony married former Miss Universe Dayanara Torres before they split, as well.

Lopez and Anthony began dating again in 2004 and were married soon after. Back in February, Lopez said Anthony wanted more kids together.

For more, click over to People Magazine.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


R&B singer Lloyd must be UPSET with the way that rival singer MIGUEL is gaining momentum. And so he took a very RADICAL step . . . to try and build up some BUZZ. . . .

Lloyd . . . . we like your music and all, but . . . what THE F*CK were you thinking!!!

MEDIATAKEOUT.COM PRESENTS...EPIC FAIL: THE BAD GIRLS CLUB learned that TWO of Oxygen's reality starlets - Natalie Nunn and Lea Bieulieu got FREAKY during a flight from Cleveland to Miami. The two ladies got DRUNK . . . and TOOK OUT THEIR BREASTS.

We're not trying to start no mess . . . but isn't that a FEDERAL OFFENSE to do this on a PUBLIC airplane. Homeland security might have to look into this . . .

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Karrine "Superhead" Steffans is one of the MESSIEST chicks in the history of MESSINESS. Over the weekend, her ex-husband Darius "Eddie Winslow" McCrary put her ON BLAST on Twitter . . . calling her a STALKER.

Well Superhead didn't like that. So she sent us a LONG LETTER (beow) putting dude on EXTRA BLAST. Most of what she said was pretty PREDICTABLE . . . blah, blah he wants to get back with me . . . blah, blah he BEAT me . . . blah blah. You know, the ISH we've come to EXPECT from Superhead.

But then she threw us through a WRINKLE. Accordingto Superhead Eddie Winslow CHEATED ON HER during their marriage - with a 400 POUND porn star named MISS MINA. DAYUMMMM!!!

If you're interested in reading ALL of Superhead's messiness - here it is:

While you were Twittering with Marlon Wayans, proclaiming I was a stalker (among other things) did you tell him how you dropped your restraining order against me? Hmmm...did you tell him that you've been over to my place at least 10 times in the last month?

And, if you try to deny it, I'll have the guard pull up the drive-on records. Thanks.

And are you telling the lovely people on Twitter how you told me you want to repair our relationship and that I am the one who is not interested? That I told you, "we can be familiar, but we cannot be friends" much less anything else. How about when you told me I'd "have to remarry" you. And what about when you talk about the kids we're going to have? And how much you love me and can't stay away from me?

Are you telling them that?

No. You're not.

And let's address your claims that I'm a bad mother. Remember how you put that out there? Yet, you're the one fighting in court for custody of your kid because you took him from his mother and she wants her son back �� and for good reason! And what about those two child abuse cases against you with the Special Cases Unit of the Los Angeles Department of Children and Family Services?

Good daddies don't have those.

But, you're not telling Marlon Wayans and the rest of the Twitter-verse that sh*t, huh? No, you're not. Nor have you mentioned that you called family services on me after they first came to investigate you out of revenge when it was your son's mother who reported you and not me.

So, riddle me this �� if I'm such a horrible person, why are you still around? And why are you so quick to bash me, publicly, but not so quick to jump on Twitter and tell the whole world that you're trying to reconcile with me?

And that you spent over an hour on the phone with my father, yesterday, and that you still call him "Dad". You've never even met the man!

Knock it off.

Did you Tweet about the money you gave me for household bills just last week? And even before that? Or a few weeks ago when you took my kid out for the day? Or about the days we just spent in June, laying around the house, eating, drinking, laughing, and just being cool with eachother? What about all the times before that?

No. You don't tweet about that.

And did you tell Marlon Wayans that you invited me to the set of that pilot? And that I got a text message from your phone that was meant for another woman and that's why you got your ass embarrassed on set?

No. You told him I just showed up like a stalker.

But, you married me anyway, didn't you? Do I have to post the license? And who marries a stalker? Who marries a bad mother? Who marries a horrible woman. And, who still comes around after the divorce if a woman is so bad?


And did you tell the public about the 550 pound porn star with whom you had an inappropriate relationship while we were married? And that you filed for divorce the day after I discovered the emails? And that you stole my computer when you left, thinking you'd gotten rid of the evidence? Well, that's what wireless back-up systems are for.

And don't deny it. I still have the emails and all the pictures and videos she sent you.

You didn't tell the people that, did you?

And I won't even talk about all the times you've choked me or beat me with belts �� and that time you were on probation in 2004 for roughing up another woman.

Yes, I have the court documents to support that, too. Van Nuys Court Case #4PN02221

Yet, you want people to believe I'm lying about the documented abuse in our relationship? With 6 police reports to support it?

Why don't you Twitter about these things?

And the time I jumped on the back of your car to avoid getting ran over...did you tell the people that you made my son cry that night? All that day? Because you promised you would come for him and you never did? That you'd been promising him for weeks and never showed up for him? And how that broke his heart?

I don't know one mother that wouldn't track your sorry ass down, demand the $5,000 ring off your finger that she bought, and proceed to let you have it!

I guess you forgot to Tweet about that, huh?

And does anyone realize you've been married and divorced three times? This is what you do. This is who you are.You're the common denominator.

It's just crazy that you pick and choose what you want to announce to the world and, while you're happy to degrade me in public, you find it impossible to tell everyone how much you love me and want so much to repair this bullsh*t relationship. How you can't stay out of my life or out of my bed �� how you leave work and head to my place for dinner and to spent time with my kid, talking and playing video games, insisting you want to "find a way to make this work."

See, all my dirt is in the open. I put it there. But, I've been silent for years, haven't I? There is so much I have not said. Unlike you, I don't have to pretend to be good. I'm a bad girl by design. But, I rather be that than a coward and a liar. And I don't have to proclaim someone else is bad to make myself look good and I don't feel the need to have anyone on my side.

I operate better alone.

When I told you how much the things you say in public hurt me, you laughed at me and said it was all "so insignificant." The strange thing is that when you're disrespectful to me, you think it's funny �� but, when I get disrespectful, you stop laughing.